Light & shade have been Berkin specialty since 1985. In the age of LED, lighting options blow wide open with various system to serve different needs while the fundamental of lighting remains the same with any light sources.
Berkin is dedicated to provide top quality lighting solution. Our engineering team with chartered electronic and electrical engineers within have mastered the technology of LED system. We integrated the latest TECH with our lighting knowledge and globally top lighting products throughout the years.
We realise your visions with passion and professionalism. Facades, landscape, hotels, foyers …etc. Various LED projects in needs of reliable professional to enhance your project. Please allow us to work with you.
Berkin Lighting Ltd.
Address: 19/F, Federal Centre, 77 Sheung On St., Chaiwan, HK.
Tel: (852) 2558 1998
Fax: (852) 2558 3730